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I am a postdoctoral researcher in political philosophy at the University of Pavia, Italy. Previously, I was PhD student at the University of Milan under the co-supervision of Ian Carter and Nicola Riva. My research interests are mainly the concept of freedom and other related concepts such as abilitypower, and voluntariness. I spent a semester at the University of London, Birkbeck as a visiting PhD student under the supervision of Michael Garnett and another semester as a visiting researcher at Cambridge Forum for Legal and Political Philosophy of Cambridge University.

The subject of my dissertation is the analysis of political and social freedom, and my central question is whether, why, and in what ways, we can make sense of, and consider normatively relevant, the concept of interpersonal freedom, thus distinguishing between constraints that are natural or self-imposed, and constraints that are imposed by other agents. In my dissertation, I defend a form of pure negative conception of freedom which is known as bivalent social freedom, a term coined by Ian Carter and Hillel Steiner. According to this conception of freedom, only those obstacles, which are imposed by other(s) and which make one’s φ-ing physically impossible, count as unfreedom-producing constraints. In other words, in this view, the only source of unfreedom is prevention; thus, one can be free or unfree to φ without having an ability to φ because one’s abilities are not directly relevant to one’s freedom.

In addition to my current research interests, I am also interested in social, political, and cultural issues in Azerbaijan, where I grew up, and the importance of ideological commitment for active citizenship. For this purpose, I have translated into Azeri Howard Zinn’s book A Young People’s History of the United States and Henry David Thoreau’s Resistance to Civil Government, both of which were printed by a non-profit publisher organized by some friends and myself. I also write articles and blog posts in English and in Azeri for a general audience. Hence, while most pieces on this website are in English, a few subsections under More are fully or partially in Azeri, where one can find my videos, blogs, and articles.

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